
Upcoming Events

Join Paragon Overseas Education for upcoming events filled with expert advice, university insights, and networking opportunities to kickstart your international education journey.

How to Prepare for IELTS
How to Prepare for IELTS【A Ultimate Guide】
in this blog, we are going to discuss and ultimate guide to our Pakistani students, how to prepare for...
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statement of purpose for scholarship
Statement of Purpose for Scholarship 【Guaranteed】
When it comes to taking admission to top-notch universities of the world, they always have some tough...
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toefl test fee in pakistan
TOEFL Test Fee in Pakistan 【Do not fell Prey to Frauds】
Getting into an internationally recognized university for higher studies can be the dream of any student....
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UK universities for Pakistani students
Top UK Universities for Pakistani Students 【Reviewed】
Admission to internationally recognized institutes can be the dream of someone who has a thirst for knowledge....
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